Roman Demidov

Roman Demidov is a graduate of the Moscow P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Laureate of international competitions. From 2004 to 2008 he is a soloist of the Moscow theater "Novaya opera"

He is an invited soloist of the theatres of Europe and also performs recitals in Russia and abroad.


Participated in projects organized by:

"The fund st. Andrew Pervozvanny"

The fund "Russian world",


The FBK company,

"The Russian foreign center",

Party "Women of Russia".


Roman Demidov represents the Russian culture at major international forums, symposiums , congresses, dialogues of civilizations and the days of Russian culture.


Gave recitals and was an invited guest at:

"The Days of Russian culture" - Rome (Italy) ,

Concerts "The Day Of Russia" - Madrid (Spain),

"Diaghilev's seasons" - Cannes (France),

"Forum Gazprom" - Berlin (Germany),

"Dialogue of civilizations" - Rhodes (Greece),

Grand prix Sud Tirol - Merano (Italy) ,

Presentation of the business-center "Russia-Indonesia" - Jakarta (Indonesia),

"The Days of Russian culture" - Amman (Jordan),

"The Day Of Russia" - Belgrade (Serbia),

A joint concert at "Konzerthaus" with the participation of the world stars (including Placido Domingo) - Vienna (Austria),

"The Days of Russian culture" - Milan (Italy),

disc recording and a recital - Florence (Italy),

Concert at The Ritz Carlton Moscow at the ceremony of Luxury Brand Awards founded by the World Fashion channel.

Repeatedly gave recitals at Moscow International Performing Arts Center.


Participates in the concerts with famous bands, musicians and actors, stars of the Russian show-business and - the world stars.

Regularly gives shows with his friends as a legendary band "Terem-Quartet" from St.-Petersburg.

One of the most important events was a performance in the st. George hall of the Moscow Kremlin on the occasion of "The day of national unity and concord" on the invitation of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on November 4, 2006.


"Roman Demidov is the owner of a voice with a unique range and a rare beautiful timbre. The Western press compares the singer to the Chaliapin, and at an international festival in Italy he was called the most beautiful voice in the world and the "Russian Pavarotti".



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